October 2006
twelfth grade

I think this was one of my happiest birthday parties. This was the year we went to ride on a trolly and I got my "first kiss" by the conductor. We also took a tour of the trolly museum, ate food and cake outside, and came back to my house to play fruits. I'm wearing Natalie Poelma's sweatshirt in this photo and you have a cute Minard-esque brown blazer. I think 2006 was one of the happiest years for both of us as we transitioned from Mr. Bronson loving juniors in the Spring to seniors in high school in the Fall. May 2006 was the first year we took photos at Kelley Park and the Summer that I worked at Quizno's. I think some of my favorite parts of this school year were when we would walk out to our cars together and talk for an hour with Kristen, Sam Bran, and Taylor. How simple life was back then.

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